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Feature Stories

Refusing to Throw in the Towel

September 2024 Article

“Ministry doesn’t exist without people,” shares Mike, GFA staff member of 15 years. Mike is just one of the dedicated people who makes the ministry of GFA World possible. Serving as behind-the-scenes missionaries, Mike and other members of GFA’s Mission Support Team (MST) link partners here and national missionaries on the field so that more people can hear Jesus’s name for the first time.

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Life’s Last Chance at a Bus Stand

July 2024 Article

Radko wandered through his house, looking for anything he could sell. The table, chairs, stove and electric kettle were already gone, sold for a couple of dollars to buy alcohol. Maybe the pictures on the wall were worth something. Supporting a family of six was difficult under the best circumstances, and he was usually too hungover to go to work. Half the time, he couldn’t even remember who he was. And his wife … what was her name? Margret? Maija? Maude? No—Magali. Her name was Magali. Since his nervous breakdown, he had trouble recognizing his wife and kids.

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Words of Life for Less Than a Penny

June 2024 Article

This was not the future his parents had imagined for him. The scenery, all too familiar, rolled by as Jonathan rode the bus home from work. If he was honest, this probably wasn’t the future he’d dreamed of for himself, either. The 19-year-old had received medals and awards for athletics, he’d played in the school band, and when the time had come to take his final exams for 12th grade, he had passed with flying colors. He’d done so well, in fact, that he had received the coveted invitation to continue with higher studies.

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Finding Someone Who Wouldn’t Abandon Her

May 2024 Article

Loneliness. Abandonment. Rejection. These had been frequent milestones on the trail of Pima’s life, even though she was only 29 years old. Now, she had a daughter to raise with little support from her husband. How could Pima help her daughter navigate life when she herself felt alone and abandoned?

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Escaping a World of Ignorance

April 2024 Article

It’s been said that only those who escape the limitations of tea estate schools have any chance of succeeding in the sphere of education, and Nadette was fighting to escape.

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Compassion That Doesn't Run Dry

March 2024 Article

Ariana perceived a reluctant look on her neighbor’s face. Had she pushed their generosity too far? But she needed clean water for herself and her children to drink. For Ariana, asking neighbors for drinking water was uncomfortable, especially during the dry season when she knew they also struggled to attain pure water. As a single mother, though, she didn’t have another option. Would she forever have to depend on others’ kindness? Was there Someone whose compassion could never be overextended?

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Flow of Love Turns Tide in Remote Village

February 2024 Article

When Pastor Talon first stepped foot in a distant village nearly 15 years ago, he hauled film equipment on his head. He and the other members of his GFA film ministry team had trekked across a river and into a remote, mountainous region to share Jesus with people who had not yet heard of His love.

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Mystery Illness Leads Woman to Wholeness in Christ

December 2023 Article

Sadzi sobbed. What had happened to her? She had once worked hard to help provide for her family. Now, she couldn’t even get out of bed. She had chronic fever, leg pain and little appetite.

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A New Family for a Mother and Her Son

December 2023 Article

“Life is all about suffering,” Bulah once said. At least, it seemed that way for her and her son, Emil.

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Bringing Hope and Help for Dark, Cold Nights

November 2023 Article

As frigid winds sliced through the cracks and holes of Mael and Ulla’s stone-and-wood cottage, the sound of their daughters’ voices alerted the GFA pastor and his wife. The girls couldn’t sleep because they were cold.

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She Wanted More

November 2023 Article

The Rwandan sun shone outside the open door of Idalene’s home as she watched her little grandson and her three youngest children. They eagerly devoured the beans, veggies and rice she’d finally managed to scrape together, after a day and a night of nothing.

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A Couple's Tragic Trail to Truth

September 2023 Article

Radu knew he must return home. His wife, Sadia, was severely ill. Perhaps it brought back memories of another time when the threat of death loomed over a loved one while he was far away, spurring him to rush home. That trip had ended in tragedy. Would this one the same outcome? If it did, it would be yet another entry in a long timeline of hardship for Radu.

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Laying Her Brick in the Wall

August 2023 Article

Few people know the details, processes and inner workings of GFA World’s U.S. office better than Shareen. Except for three departments or so, the 38-year-old has worked in every sphere of the office.

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