Tools for Missionaries

A national missionary with two sturdy feet, a strong voice and a compassionate heart is a powerful tool for the Lord. A gift toward any of the resources like these can assist them to be even more effective to bring the love of Jesus to others.

Winter Clothing Packet

Winter Clothing Packet

Suggested donation: $50

Harsh winters force many people indoors, hindering villagers from finding jobs and limiting pastors’ ability to minister. Winter clothing packets help GFA missionaries stay healthy and able to minister during cold seasons, and they also demonstrate Christ’s love in very practical ways to mountain villagers or to the homeless.

Depending on the region, a winter clothing packet may include:

  • A blanket
  • A jacket
  • A sweater
  • Other warm items

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Suggested donation: $150

Bicycles help national missionaries save time, energy and transportation expenses, dramatically increasing their ability to minister. These sturdy bicycles enable national missionaries to respond quickly to people asking for prayer and to carry the news of Christ farther and faster.

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Tools of Hope

Tools of Hope

Suggested donation: $25

Every worker needs tools to effectively accomplish their task, and GFA missionaries are no exception. Your gift towards tools—like Bibles, literature, winter clothing or bicycles—that will help national missionaries to continue sharing God’s love.

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Broadcasting the Good News

Broadcasting the Good News

Suggested donation: $45 - $180

Broadcasting provides the opportunity for communities to learn about the love of Christ through radio programming, social media platforms and other key internet communication channels. Through these avenues, people across Asia-and even beyond-can discover powerful truths in God's Word. National missionaries write and record messages that are relevant to the cultures and struggles of each audience region, which strengthens people's ability to understand the full meaning of God's mercy. Your gift this year can truly "go tell it on the mountain"!

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Gospel Literature

Gospel Literature

Suggested donation: $1

Help a national missionary share the story of our Saviour with Gospel literature to pass out in his village. Literature is treasured in Asia, so a packet of Gospel literature is a gift that you can be sure will be passed on and read by others.

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Holy Scriptures

Holy Scriptures

Suggested donation: $7

Many believers in areas we serve are first-generation believers who grew up knowing nothing of God’s ways, and they’re hungry for His Word. Your donation helps give people a copy of God’s Word, enabling them to grow in their knowledge of the Lord and walk more closely with Him.

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Suggested donation: $1,200

A motorcycle enables a pastor and his wife to serve distant fellowships, giving people the leadership, counsel and prayer they need to grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.

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Donation Summary



How Your Donations Are Applied

We value your donation and are committed to good stewardship of the funds entrusted to us by our friends and donors. All gift options represent GFA’s actual ministry efforts to meet the diverse needs of individuals and communities. Regardless of particular preferences, monies are raised for ministry purposes, and GFA retains discretion to use donated funds in any manner that serves GFA’s charitable objectives.

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