Hope for Suffering Women

Hope for Suffering Women

Suggested donation: $50

Help bring immediate aid to women in need by giving towards the Hope for Suffering Women fund. This helps provides a struggling woman with simple things like a month's rent, food for her family or even basic medical care when it's hard to come by.

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Vocational Training

Vocational Training

Suggested donation: $75

In places like Sri Lanka and South India, where the 2004 tsunami displaced so many lives, and in teeming cities like Delhi and Mumbai, the ability to make a decent living often involves vocational training that is beyond the reach of the poor. As a further witness to the Gospel, GFA is teaming up with local churches to offer training in such practical fields as welding, sewing or other basic trades.

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Suggested donation: $25

Most families in the impoverished areas in which GFA serves have little or no insulation or indoor heating. Those who sleep on the streets are even more exposed to the cold. Blankets provide comfort and protection and serve as tangible expressions of Christ’s love.

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BioSand Water Filter

BioSand Water Filter

Suggested donation: $30

Many people in in the areas we serve do not have clean water, and as a result, they battle waterborne illnesses—or even succumb to death. Made with simple materials, BioSand water filters remove 98% of biological impurities, providing safe water for drinking and cooking for the family and neighbours, too! The clean water will improve health and hygiene and will give peace of mind—all of which are expressions of Christ’s care.

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Sewing Machine

Sewing Machine

Suggested donation: $100

"Sewing" Seeds for Eternity with the Gift of a Sewing Machine

Many families work as labourers; sometimes having to sell their children just to earn enough money to support their family. A sewing machine provides a chance for a needy family to start their own tailoring business. Once they receive a sewing machine, they also have access to classes that allow them to start putting their new machines to good use.

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Mosquito Nets

Mosquito Nets

Suggested donation: $10

Malaria is transmitted through the bite of an infected mosquito. Mosquito nets save lives and offer a restful night’s sleep, free from the sting of disease-laden mosquitoes.

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Tin Roof

Tin Roof

Suggested donation: $225

Roofs made of thatch are a common sight across Asia and Africa, but they don’t offer good protection from annual monsoon rains, which means families must spend precious resources repairing or replacing their possessions. These lightweight, sturdy tin roofs give needy families a safe, dry place to call home.

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Home Office Expenses

Home Office Expenses

Your gift keeps GFA's home offices running by covering the cost of everything from copy paper to the electric bill. These gifts allow home-team staff members to continue serving the missionaries in Asia!

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Field Ministries

Field Ministries

With your gift, you can help our national missionaries serving on the field reach the thousands who are waiting to hear about the true God. Think about the impact you could make in countless lives!

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Where Most Needed

Where Most Needed

Through donations given towards Where Most Needed, we are able to tell more people about the opportunities to transform communities through Christ's love. Help us to do our part in fulfilling the Great Commission.

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Behind-the-Scenes Missionary Sponsorship

Behind-the-Scenes Missionary Sponsorship

The Mission Support Team is comprised of behind-the-scenes missionaries who serve in GFA World’s administrative offices. Although they serve in offices far from the physical mission field, their role is vital to the ministry.

For nearly 40 years, behind-the-scenes missionaries have functioned as a crucial link between the mission field and the Western Church. By communicating with GFA supporters in their country and raising resources for the field, the Mission Support Team has provided the field with the critical prayer and financial support needed for ministry.

In much the same way that the Mission Support Team stands behind frontline missionaries on the field, you can stand with behind-the-scenes missionaries and enable them to continue in their role.

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Outdoor Toilet

Outdoor Toilet

Suggested donation: $540

More than a billion people worldwide have no choice but to relieve themselves out in the open, which poses many risks, especially for women and girls who venture into open fields under the cover of darkness. Private outdoor toilets spare families from disease found at communal waste grounds and protect the dignity of men and women.

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Slum Ministry

Slum Ministry

Tens of millions of people around the world live in the squalor of slums—in one-room shanties, usually without electricity, running water or toilets. But through slum ministry, people in slums have the chance for a better life. GFA missionaries serving in slums teach adult literacy classes and tutor children. They disseminate information about health and hygiene. They distribute income-generating gifts, along with practical gifts, like water filters, toilets and clothing. They also share with slum dwellers about the greatest gift anyone could gain: the love of God.

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Medical Ministry

Medical Ministry

Suggested donation: $375

Your gift towards medical ministry can help provide free medical care and health education for people who are suffering and dying from treatable ailments. GFA missionaries host medical camps in impoverished villages and invite teams of nurses, doctors and other health care professionals to provide free medical care. One medical camp may serve 200 to 1,000 people. Helping provide medical care for a family of five costs as little as $5.

Through medical ministry, families that lack access to medication or have never been taught basic hygiene can receive life-saving treatment and health education, all in the name of the Great Physician, Jesus Christ.

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Compassion Services

Compassion Services

Suggested donation: $75

When you give to Compassion Services, you help meet the needs of people in desperate situations. With your gift, GFA missionaries can minister in slums and leprosy colonies, bring medical care to remote communities and provide practical, hope-filled relief supplies after a disaster, all revealing God’s compassion and care to burdened and broken individuals.

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Women's Ministry

Women's Ministry

The Scriptures show that the Lord has a special role for women to fulfill in His kingdom. The first person to whom God chose to announce His Son's earthly arrival was a woman. Through Jesus' ministry, He demonstrated His value of women in a male-dominated society—teaching them, touching them and healing them. And when He rose from the dead, women were the first to know.

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Bible Colleges

Bible Colleges

Transforming communities through God's love is the vision of GFA World. For this to become a reality, we realized years ago that more national missionaries would be needed who a passion to help the people in their nations understand God’s love.

Your gift towards Bible colleges will help enable committed young men and women to receive on-the-job training through ongoing ministry and quality instruction in the Word of God.

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Church Building

Church Building

Suggested donation: $10,000

Fledgling congregations often lack a permanent structure to use for worship services, which exposes them to a host of problems. Their meetings—and ministries—are also hindered simply because they do not have space to gather as a church family. Your gift helps us to build and repair buildings. Even a gift of $80 can help provide decades of safer worship; with others sharing the cost, a church can be built!

A place of worship:

  • Testifies to the local community of the Lord’s presence and the credibility and stability of the local congregation.
  • Protects believers from outside dangers during worship services.
  • Offers a safe, welcoming location for visitors from any background who want to learn about Jesus.
  • Serves as a center for relief distributions during times of crisis.
  • Frees believers to worship openly and exuberantly without worrying about disturbing their landlords or neighbours.
  • Shelters believers from heavy rain and intense summer heat.

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Jesus Wells

Jesus Wells

Suggested donation: $1,400

Jesus Wells provide fresh water year-round, protecting communities from waterborne illnesses and sparing women and children from spending hours fetching water. Obtaining clean water is also vital for practicing safe hygiene and for supporting healthy immune systems, both of which prevent the spread of diseases like COVID-19.

Pastors serving near Jesus Wells are able to share about the Living Water mentioned on the well’s plaque. Providing safe water—either by drilling a new well or maintaining existing wells—is a practical way to show communities how much God and His children care for all people!

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Film Ministry

Film Ministry

Suggested donation: $1,750

Countless people have taken ahold of the hope found in Christ after seeing Man of Mercy, a movie depicting the life of Christ. Teams doing film ministry use an LCD projector kit to show such movies. To offer more people the same opportunity, donate to film ministry to provide items like LCD projector kits.

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Broadcasting the Good News

Broadcasting the Good News

Suggested donation: $45 - $180

Broadcasting provides the opportunity for communities to learn about the love of Christ through radio programming, social media platforms and other key internet communication channels. Through these avenues, people across Asia-and even beyond-can discover powerful truths in God's Word. National missionaries write and record messages that are relevant to the cultures and struggles of each audience region, which strengthens people's ability to understand the full meaning of God's mercy. Your gift this year can truly "go tell it on the mountain"!

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Clean Water

Clean Water

Suggested donation: $200

Provide clean, disease-free water to families across South Asia through our clean water ministry. Clean water is delivered via Jesus Wells, each one providing fresh water for an entire village, and Biosand Water Filters, which purify water from polluted sources and make it clean enough for drinking, cooking and washing. Your gift improves families’ health and hygiene and even saves lives.

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Holy Scriptures

Holy Scriptures

Suggested donation: $7

Many believers in areas we serve are first-generation believers who grew up knowing nothing of God’s ways, and they’re hungry for His Word. Your donation helps give people a copy of God’s Word, enabling them to grow in their knowledge of the Lord and walk more closely with Him.

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National Missionaries

National Missionaries

Suggested donation: $30 monthly / $360 annually

Today, national missionaries like Pastor Marty are bringing words of life and hope to people in places where Christ’s love has never been shared.

National missionaries:

  • Understand the communities they serve and relate with them culturally
  • Live sacrificially so others can find the grace and new life Jesus offers
  • Fill an integral role in distributing Christmas gifts
  • Provide immediate aid to communities experiencing a crisis, such as during the coronavirus pandemic
  • Freely offer prayer and counsel to gift recipients and everyone in their communities
  • By giving toward GFA World’s National Missionary Program, you’ll equip them to serve full time by covering their living and ministry expenses—resulting in lives transformed for eternity.

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Unsponsored Children

Unsponsored Children

Many of the children in our Child Sponsorship Program are waiting for permanent sponsors. Your gift towards Unsponsored Children helps us continue providing for them.

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Women's Literacy

Women's Literacy

Suggested donation: $25

When women learn to read, they can avoid harmful labour contracts, understand warning labels and avoid being cheated at the marketplace. GFA World supports literacy classes that teach adult women how to read and write. After they graduate from these literacy classes, they’re also able to read God’s Word and can grow in their relationship with Him. Your gift towards things like literacy can help enable women to protect themselves and keep their families healthy while also equipping them to draw closer to God.

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Winter Clothing Packet

Winter Clothing Packet

Suggested donation: $50

Harsh winters force many people indoors, hindering villagers from finding jobs and limiting pastors’ ability to minister. Winter clothing packets help GFA missionaries stay healthy and able to minister during cold seasons, and they also demonstrate Christ’s love in very practical ways to mountain villagers or to the homeless.

Depending on the region, a winter clothing packet may include:

  • A blanket
  • A jacket
  • A sweater
  • Other warm items

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Suggested donation: $110

Bicycles help national missionaries save time, energy and transportation expenses, dramatically increasing their ability to minister. These sturdy bicycles enable national missionaries to respond quickly to people asking for prayer and to carry the news of Christ farther and faster.

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Tools of Hope

Tools of Hope

Suggested donation: $25

Every worker needs tools to effectively accomplish their task, and GFA missionaries are no exception. Your gift towards tools—like Bibles, literature, winter clothing or bicycles—that will help national missionaries to continue sharing God’s love.

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Gospel Literature

Gospel Literature

Suggested donation: $1

Help a national missionary share the story of our Saviour with Gospel literature to pass out in his village. Literature is treasured in Asia, so a packet of Gospel literature is a gift that you can be sure will be passed on and read by others.

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Suggested donation: $1,200

A motorcycle enables a pastor and his wife to serve distant fellowships, giving people the leadership, counsel and prayer they need to grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.

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Suggested donation: $375

Cows and the milk they produce help families grow stronger, healthier and more financially secure. As a poor widow, Jamini could not offer her son Tavish a bright future. When her son grew up and married, her worry grew to include her grandchildren’s futures—until Tavish received a cow at a gift distribution.

“After having received the gift, we are really blessed. We have some income in our family. We have hope; we have a purpose in life and really are so blessed and so happy, just unlike what we thought our future would be.”—Jamini, whose son Tavish received a cow

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Water Buffalo

Water Buffalo

Suggested donation: $460

Water buffalo are powerful animals often used to plough fields. They produce milk for drinking or selling, and their dung can be used as fuel for cooking. Your gift towards a water buffalo could greatly improve a family’s financial situation!

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Suggested donation: $65

These portly critters bring powerful financial breakthroughs to needy families. Piglets fetch a good price at market, which enables families to buy whatever they need, and adult pigs provide ample meat for selling or eating.

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Suggested donation: $140

Your gift toward goats can improve a family’s financial situation. In the case of one father, one pair of goats multiplied and enabled him to start a goat farm, resulting in more than 75 goats to milk or sell. He built a house for his family and sent his children to school, offering his children a better future .

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Suggested donation: $11

Your gift towards chickens can help supplement a family’s income and often helps a family get on its feet financially. Hungry families can eat or sell the nutritious eggs, or they can hatch chicks to increase their flock and later have more eggs and chicks to sell.

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Donation Summary


How Your Donations Are Applied

We value your donation and are committed to good stewardship of the funds entrusted to us by our friends and donors. All gift options represent GFA’s actual ministry efforts to meet the diverse needs of individuals and communities. Regardless of particular preferences, monies are raised for ministry purposes, and GFA retains discretion to use donated funds in any manner that serves GFA’s charitable objectives.

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