September 11, 2020
Produce Delivered with Love
Akash sat in his idle auto-rickshaw and thoughtfully rubbed the steering wheel. With no one allowed to travel, there was no one to transport; with no one to transport, there was no way to provide for his family. Like so many in Asia, the lockdown prevented Akash from earning an income. Including Akash’s elderly parents, there were seven mouths in his home to feed, seven stomachs that were hungry. Then Akash met GFA pastor Kulwinder.
Hope on a Motorbike
Pastor Kulwinder had procured vegetables from local vendors, who had contributed the otherwise costly produce free of charge. Mounting his motorbike, Pastor Kulwinder traveled to four villages in Sri Lanka to distribute the groceries, which included pumpkin, beans, leeks, cucumbers, carrots and cabbage, to 29 needy families from various faith backgrounds.
“We were going through a very difficult time because of COVID-19 lockdown, as I could not drive the [auto-rickshaw] like before for earning the income,” Akash said. “I thank this Christian [pastor] who met me on the road and gave this free bag of vegetables, which is a great blessing to my family.”
“I have received this blessed gift of a vegetable kit from a Christian church, which I cannot believe but it is true.”
While giving out groceries, Pastor Kulwinder also met Hiruni, whose husband had a small business. After a three-month curfew and loss of income, however, he was forced to shut it down. They have four school-aged children.
“We were in need of money to get our provisions and vegetables but didn’t have enough,” Hiruni said. “I have received this blessed gift of a vegetable kit from a Christian church, which I cannot believe but it is true.”

Middle: Pastor Kulwinder distributes groceries from his motorbike.
Right: Like Hiruni, this woman gratefully receives groceries from Pastor Kulwinder, which enables her to feed her family.
Persistent in Love
Pastor Kulwinder has been involved in compassion activities throughout the lockdown, distributing vegetables to families in most need. He has overcome many challenges and remained within COVID-19 regulations to reach these families with much-needed aid.
“By the grace of God, I was able to be a blessing once again to 29 more deserving families,” Pastor Kulwinder said. “I prayed and gave each vegetable bag to all these families. … I want to continue this ministry through the generous contribution of the vegetable vendors. I will do my best to help the people in my community in times of need.”
Through his prayers and practical acts of love, a few families have come to personally know the great Provider.