May 11, 2020
After 9 Years in Prison, Pastor Manja Still Serving the Hurting

GFA-supported pastors in one city in Nepal responded to the needs of jobless families who were surviving on daily wage jobs in the construction, furniture and carpet industries. During the lockdown, GFA-supported pastor Manja mobilized believers to provide food to the hungry. Pastor Manja previously served nine years in prison after being falsely accused of murder, but his passion to show Christ’s love to the hurting has continued to grow and impact lives. During an event he coordinated, 21 families received rice, mustard oil, lentils and salt.
“I would like to thank [the church] for the kind help,” said one recipient. “I work as a daily wage earner in the construction sector to buy essential items. But this COVID-19 lockdown has prevented me from earning a daily wage. Due to that, I was so depressed and worried how to handle my family.”
On the same day, Pastor Manja and his congregation responded to a request for help from the leader of a local orphanage, where 28 children live. The church gave 20 pounds of sugar, 2 pounds of tea leaves and 4 boxes of cookies to the orphanage—a useful gift in a culture where tea is an important part of daily life and community.
‘Even My Son Did Not Think About Me’

In India, GFA-supported pastors have held various food distribution events to help poor and marginalized people. One GFA-supported pastor in Jharkhand distributed rice and potatoes to 27 needy people, including 7 leprosy patients. These leprosy-affected people depend on begging for their survival. After the pandemic spread to Asia and they could not leave home, they struggled to get a daily meal.
Another pastor in Jharkhand distributed soaps and detergent to 10 widows and taught them about the importance of washing their hands with soap and water.
Five churches in Nagaland distributed groceries in their respective communities, helping a total of 140 families. These families, who live off daily wages and cannot work during the lockdown, smiled gratefully as they took home sacks of vegetables, lentils, salt, oil, potatoes and rice.
“I was worried about what I would do for my family in this difficult time,” said one recipient. “The church members called me to take the food items. My family and I were amazed.”
Another recipient, a 51-year-old man, said “Even my son did not think about me and help me at this time, but you have given me the items. I am happy, and thank you so much for your help.”
Bridge of Hope Staff Cook Food for the Hungry
Compassion burdened the heart of Nabhitha, the social worker of a Bridge of Hope centre, when she visited a village where several Bridge of Hope students live and saw that people were going to sleep with empty stomachs because they could not work in the lockdown.

Nabhitha contacted a GFA-supported pastor in her area to find out how they could help this village. Together, they and the Bridge of Hope staff gathered funds to help these families, and they contacted the district magistrate for permission to prepare and distribute food. The Bridge of Hope staff prepared 80 food packets full of chickpea curry and flatbread, which they gave out to families in the village.
“We are not able to provide anything to our family,” shared the father of a Bridge of Hope student. “Really, you care for us. Thank you for considering us as your family members.”
Please pray for:
- An end the spread of COVID-19, especially in the densely populated areas of Asia
- The Lord to enable pastors and believers to effectively help the struggling people in their churches and communities
- Transformation in the hearts and lives of each person helped by the Church
- Guidance for government leaders as they seek to protect the people of their nations